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Support the good work of Happiness House in the Finger Lakes community.
Promote and expand long-term services
Foster equal opportunity and independence
Help us change lives forever
General Gifts
At CP Rochester, Happiness House, and Rochester Rehabilitation, we not only believe in the talents and the abilities of every person, we work each and every day to instill that belief in the children and the adults who receive education, clinical therapies, and other support services through our agencies. Just as the needs of individuals change, CP Rochester, Happiness House, and Rochester Rehabilitation services are individually tailored to meet the changing needs of children and adults with and without disabilities, and their families. From birth through adulthood, our programs and services offer an accessible, comprehensive, and expert resource for families throughout Rochester and the Finger Lakes region.
Every member of the Ability Partners Foundation family has the power to make future change possible. Together, we continue to ensure the long-term sustainability of programs and services for the more than 6,000 individuals served each year by our agencies.
For more information on making a general gift to Ability Partners Foundation, contact:
Cheryl Coppola
Vice President, Foundation and Development
(585) 412-9040 x1325

Contact Us
Ontario County
(315) 789-6828
Children's Programs:
(315) 789-6850
Ontario County
Adult Programs:
(585) 394-9510
Children's Programs:
(585) 394-1190
Golisano Autism Center,
Monroe County
Children's Programs:
(585) 685-8300
Toll free:
(866) 408-2550